Professor Jenny Doust

Professor Jenny Doust BA, BEcons, BMBS, Grad Dip Clin Epi, PhD, FRACGP. Professor Doust is Professor of Clinical Epidemiology in the Centre for Research in Evidence Based Practice at Bond University and also works half-time as a general practitioner in Brisbane. Her research areas of interest are the use of diagnosis, screening and monitoring test in general practice and the problem of overdiagnosis. She was a member of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (2008-2012), the Economic Sub-Committee of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (2005-2013), and Therapeutic Guidelines (Cardiovascular) advisory group (2011-2012) and is a member of the advisory group for the NPS MedicineWise.
Professor Doust was first appointed to the Authority on 1 October 2015, and her current term of appointment expires on 30 September 2025.